How true is this quote by Tony Robbins! Mistakes are a part of life, irrespective of whether we try or not. However, an action is integral to moving forward, is it not?
Without action in all spheres of life, we are practically at a standstill and are moving neither forward nor backward.
By definition, a person who doesn’t try does not move forward or goes nowhere. This person does not get cracking at a task, does not plan, and does nothing to keep things moving or get them done.
The truest truth is that regardless of how slow you progress or how slow your pace is, you are still moving and are not stuck in one place.
Even if the direction in which you are moving is wrong, you will figure it out and straighten it out to get back on track and work towards your goals.
Humans tend to fall back or put an end to their attempts when they feel themselves making mistakes or failing at something.
The thing to remember here is that irrespective of how big or small your mistakes are, you will eventually end up learning from them. All you need is perseverance and a little bit of faith.
When you take action, you can learn from the errors and adjust your way of working accordingly. Eventually, you are bound to make progress, which would never happen if you did not try at all.
Importance of ACTION in our Lives
The importance of action in our lives cannot be stressed enough. When you keep trying, you evade the feeling of helplessness that you can experience in challenging situations.
This quote by Robbins essentially compares people who are unwilling/scared to do things and those who simply do them.
Regardless of whether or not you are an action-oriented individual, you must take action in order to live a fuller and healthier life.
Your action can be as small as reading a book or as big as creating a vision board to actually identify your dreams so that you can work towards achieving them.
By reading a book, you are doing something and getting busy. That is still more than an individual who is not. Not the best analogy, but you get the point!
Where Can You Apply This Concept In Your Life?