Upliftment Of The Downtrodden Is What Makes Human And Humanity Flourish

2 min readDec 13, 2023


“Every single time you help somebody stand up, you are helping humanity rise.” — Steve Maraboli

Human being is the most finest and supreme of all the beings, and what brings him to par from others is his nature, which is referred to as humanity. It is doing things for others, helping the downtrodden, and being helpful to others without having expectations of any return for it.

Humanity is about helping others whenever and wherever possible. It is about helping the needy and forgetting our selfish interests at the time when others need our help.

Humanity is about extending unconditional love to all the living creatures.

The true measure of one’s success is not about the number of promotions he had, or the number of medals he has achieved; but what actually counts for his success is all the humanitarian activities he is into on a regular basis. At the end, one is always remembered for his good deeds.

“Humanity is the purpose for which we are on Earth.”

Leo Tolstoy has once said that — “The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.”

Humanity gives people hope and faith — a faith to count on others when needed. It is the silver lining which actually keeps a person going, when he has lost all his hope in the materialistic world; As humanity is what lets a person realize the people’s problem, with his own eyes.

It is the human soul which triggers him to help others and not his wealth and fortune.

How To Become Truly Human?

In today’s time, man has totally prioritized his life and sadly it just revolves around him and his needs and greed. He just wants to make himself secure, comfortable and happy.

A man can only become a human when he tries to make others secure, comfortable and happy. When he comes out of his self-centric cocoon and goes beyond to serve others.

As to serve humanity is to serve God, social service is what…

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Written by KrishNick

🌿 #NatureLover 🏆 #SportsPerson 👨 #Instructor

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