Honesty is a virtue; it is a projection of your best qualities. It is an individual’s honesty which helps him get all the praise and get away from even the most extreme situations. No matter for how many days lie survives; there certainly comes a day when the truth comes out and that is where an individual’s honesty helps him sail through without any hindrances.
One can survive the storm or even succeed with dishonesty but that certainly is short lived. A marathon is always won on the path of honesty. Certainly that path is not an easy one but undoubtedly leads to the best destination. You can only stand the storm by your truth and honesty. With all the dishonesty around, the world certainly will be a sad and bad place to live. A man with a clear conscience leads a harmonious life as compared to the one who is cheating, corrupting and smuggling.
Insanity is a tool which might help you get away from your dishonesty. Proving your insane side might get you some ease. One’s lunacy serves as a defense mechanism. It might help you get away from the severity of law; but what about your own conscience? One can lie or pretend in front of others but certainly cannot face himself. He will be haunted by his guilt for ever. And that certainly is not the best way to lead a healthy and happy life.
Honesty adds up to trust and respect in the life of a honest man and hence helps him lead a peaceful and successful life. Benjamin Franklin has quoted “Honesty is the best policy.” One’s honesty helps him focus on the most important aspects of his life and stay at bay from all the nuisances.
Honesty is the reflection of the goodness of one’s mind. It helps an individual attain stability and happiness in life. It brings confidence in an individual and also helps win other people’s confidence. It is a simple act of being truthful and loyal to anyone and everyone under all circumstances. It is an act of doing the good irrespective of the situation. It is the selfless act of doing well for others.
Below mentioned are a few points which justifies that honesty is the best policy:
It is the mantra to lead a happy and healthy life. It brings our friends closer and relations are shared on with trueness, not artificially.
It blesses us with goodwill from others and gives a positive energy to the mind and heart.
It helps an individual build a trustworthy friend circle where you are loved, trusted as well as respected.
It makes an individual strong and confident and thus is valued a lot among his peers and society.
It helps an individual stay at bay from frustration, fatigue, anxiety and other such mental problems.
One’s honesty helps him easily attract and influence others towards him.
It helps kill all the negative thoughts from the mind leading to a better mental health.
Honesty certainly plays a major role in an individual’s life. It is the best costume one can wear and thus be praised for. It is the best earning of lifetime which nobody can snatch away from you; and certainly honesty is the best policy.
It is the need of the hour to understand the value of honesty and manage it well on both economical and social front. It is the quintessential of the modern days, the best habit and the best tool to help one handle as well as solve even the most difficult situation.
Written By: Somdutta Das
Originally published at https://www.beaninspirer.com on March 22, 2019.