Many people are very superficial, and they have focused more on the outer beauty than the beauty of the heart.
What many people fail to understand is that certain virtues cannot be compared to any superficial quality of a person. One of such virtues is kindness, and the undeniable beauty in kindness is incomparable.
A kind heart is a weapon to be cherished and used in a place where human unkindness has abounded. Not so many people understand the power that a kind heart has, and thus they do not use it.
For those who know this to be a weapon, they have used it to change lives, impact lives, and even transform the world. In as much as it is a weapon, it is full of beauty and splendor.
The undeniable beauty in kindness is what attracts the people who still value the beauty of virtues.
It is Better to have Kindness than Outer Beauty
There is so much more to kindness than just being nice and acting well towards other people. It runs deeper than that and that is why people will always remember your acts of kindness at all times.
Some lives will be changed forever because of your kindness. When you have kindness in you, you will be able to make more changes and impact the world than you would with superficial beauty.
Sylvia Rossetti said,
“Genuine kindness is no ordinary act, but a gift of rare beauty.”
When you have kindness, you have a rare beauty that cannot be matched by superficial beauty. It is a rare beauty because kindness is very rare.
Everyone is beautiful in their ways, but the undeniable magnificence of kindness is what sets these beautiful people apart.
Invest in the Right Kind of Beauty