Logic Over Emotions Or The Vice Verse?

2 min readNov 7, 2023


“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” ― Dale Carnegie

Human being is a creature of logic and reasons, but along with it we are creatures of emotions as well.

Logic vs Emotions

The dilemma in today’s world- Is it Logic or Emotions; which of the two is the ultimate savior?

Logic lurks the chaos inside us, it is the calculative measure and it might even at times hurt someone’s sentiments or beliefs.

Emotions are an integral part of the human species. On the other hand, it might even trigger illogical and even childish behavior.

Though logic is the conclusive and sure shot thing, one comes up with but even then at the core, what one sees is on the basis of pure feelings.

It is for a fact that a person gives ample time to approach with a logical way, even then, at the end one goes with the heart; the true measure in which it is perceived, it takes us to the emotional level always.

Logic wins mind; but emotions undoubtedly appeal to the heart. So, to sway a group and influence them; one must use emotions.

The best example to quote this is- The bank TV commercials. They sell us on emotional front always! Never alone on the basis of their numbers, points or interests.

As Dale Carnegie has once said –

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”

There’s a wide range of emotions with which one can appeal; but one has to be careful enough. There are both ethical and unethical ways of using our emotions.

To make an impact, prefer the more positive methods. One has to think wisely even before playing his cards of feelings.

“It’s never a bad idea to play the cards of logic to make an impact. To focus only on logic is to flirt with failure. Emotions sways the crowd and it creates results.”

Logic + Emotions — The Perfect Blend

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Written by KrishNick

🌿 #NatureLover 🏆 #SportsPerson 👨 #Instructor

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