Education vs Knowledge: Learn How To Grow and Change

3 min readOct 19, 2023


“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”
― Carl Rogers

Change is inevitable, and we humans must learn how to grow and change regardless of any situation.

We often have heard about how people change. This is because the particular person has learned something about oneself and can apply the same changes to grow.

The two similar words often used are Knowledge and Education. In fact, most people believe they are synonyms of each other. But it is not so.

There is a thin difference between the two, and here we will look at the Education vs Knowledge concept and how they are different from each other. Although, there is not much of a difference as they are co-related to each other.

Both are necessary for human lives. Education as well as Knowledge leads the human progress path. If both are present, it would be easier for humans to accept and adapt to change.

“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.”
― William Ralph Inge

Education vs Knowledge — Understanding the Difference

As said earlier, both are related to each other but do have a difference in a broader aspect.

To put it in simple words, Education is how you learn things, while Knowledge is gaining information.

Education is widely acquired through study books, schools, colleges or universities. People learn new things from that, whereas Knowledge is gained from all the real-life instances and is mostly an everyday experience.

Education is to embrace the change process from the facts and theories, while Knowledge depends on the application of those facts and theories. It is optional that Knowledge is applied everywhere.

“Education is liberation, knowledge is power.”
― Henry Johnson, Jr.

Do Education and Knowledge Go Hand in Hand?

To understand it better, Knowledge is simply knowing the facts about something, but Education is understanding those facts and working on them.

You need both to master your learned skills. Education and Knowledge may not have a clear differentiator as sometimes it also depends on a person’s perspective.

Example 1:

Suppose you own a new laptop. You must be able to know how to use certain software and apps. This is because you have Knowledge about it. But you must be better aware of navigating it or using them in depth for your work. If you want to excel, you have to educate yourself and learn about them.

Example 2:

You might have Knowledge about dance and various forms of dancing. But the Knowledge is restricted there. Once you get learning sessions and are educated about different forms or particular forms, you can master the skill required in the dance form. It provides an in-depth understanding of the form allowing you to groove in it.

Importance of Education

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Written by KrishNick

🌿 #NatureLover 🏆 #SportsPerson 👨 #Instructor

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