We all yearn for our perfect counterparts, don’t we? The one who knows each and every thing that is to know about us and takes care of our needs even before we can voice them.
A person who is constantly loving and supporting and never gets angry with you, cajoles you when you are in a bad mood, spoils you and treats you like royalty is every one’s dream. But doesn’t it sound too good to be true when you think it out loud?
It is absurd to think that a person will never lose his cool with you and love everything about you. You will have to program a robot for that.
Being human implies that we have in-built imperfections. Love, as much as it is about spontaneity and impulsiveness, is also about nurturing your relationship consciously.
You might fall in love without thinking about it but in order to continue with it, you will have to put in some effort, no matter how perfect you and your partner are for each other.
An Ideal Partner
1. The Perfect Partner is not Overprotective
They are confident about their place in their partner’s life and do not seek to validate their importance day in and day out.
2. Makes Compromises
Like everything else in life, a relationship requires compromises from both sides.
Be it taking off time from work to spend time with them or something as mundane as going out somewhere you don’t want to with your partner when they force you to, ideal partners do things against their will to make things work out.
3. Most Importantly the Perfect Partner can empathise with their Counterpart
If you can put yourself in their shoes and experience what they are experiencing, you will know what they want and can hence act accordingly even without them having to ask you for it.
Such resonance among partners is essential for a good relationship.
How Do You Get There?