It is easy to dream, and easy to kick start anything new. But it takes a lot of motivation to hold the grounds and keep going towards the final destination.
When we start, we are all pumped up, but as time goes on, all motivation and enthusiasm starts fading away and almost vanish off. Motivation is the driving force for us all to reach to the finish line.
Under every circumstance, one should keep his spirits high irrespective of the situation. And this will only help one individual to overcome all the difficulties. The minute you are discouraged, your battle is over.
Listed below are 8 Tips to Stay Motivated:
1. Find the Reason
Without a cause or reason, it is impossible to stay motivated. It is the cause which inspires an individual to perform up to his best even in most difficult situations. It’s the reason which will let you to stay motivated at every moment.
2. Visualize Your Dream Coming True
Picture yourself getting to the final destination where you have dreamt to be and that’s the best motivation you can get. A beautiful visualization is undoubtedly all the motivation that you need.
3. Stay Hungry
Just a dream and a want is not enough. One must have the hunger to achieve it. To stay motivated, just desire is not enough. It is your hunger to achieve your dream which will make you stand apart from the rest and let you to stay motivated.
4. Talk
Have a face to face reality check of your dream; talk it out with your people at varied stages to ensure that you are not de-tracked and also have better and channelized strategies towards your journey. Talk also helps an individual to relieve stress and makes you feel better.
5. Remember It’s Your Race
Your race and your journey is totally different from the rest. So, just don’t compare it with anyone else’s. The minute you start comparing, you tend to get de-motivated and start losing your confidence and spirit. Just remember, the only competitor you have is yourself.
6. Stay Healthy and Stay Fit
Workout on a daily basis. It is one of the best stress reliever and gives a better mental clarity. Exercising on a daily basis helps you to enhance your concentration and provides clarity.
7. List Down all the Reasons
The minute you answer the entire why’s leading towards your destination, it will certainly help you to stay motivated. A good inventory certainly adds up to your motivation.
8. Get off the Past
Don’t let your actions from the past hover over your present. Past is the biggest burden which one can carry over his shoulder and it certainly drains you down before you even realize it. Learn from the past but don’t go along with it. It’s a new day today, so start new!
Remember, it is your journey; you have to create it all by yourself. Just believe in yourself and keep on going with all the motivation. Success will certainly follow your footsteps.
Written By: Somdutta Das
Originally published at on April 21, 2019.