6 Simple Truths to Remember during Difficult Moments in Life

3 min readNov 4, 2023


“There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth.” ― Charles Dickens

Each one of us has a story to tell, each story belonging to a different genre.

Someone’s life is a romantic comedy while for someone else, it may be a psychological thriller.

Someone may be the lead in a Shakespearean tragedy while someone’s life may look like a Wes Anderson movie.

Irrespective of the genre, plot, premises or director of our story, we have suffering.

Every story has the lead confronting difficult moments in life and has to navigate those moments to bring the story to an end.

The lead despairs over their loss, loses their way, and hits rock bottom, only to climb back up eventually.

This is one of the simple truths of life. There is no escape from suffering.

We all face difficult moments in life. We all have our own mountains to climb.

Some have humongous, intimidating, icy glaciers to scale. While others have rocky, steep hills to conquer.

No matter the element under our feet, all of us are fighting. Sometimes, this fighting becomes even more onerous.

During these difficult moments of life, we often forget the simple truths and lose hope.

So, when darkness cloaks us and brings difficult moments in life, we must not forget some simple truths.

It can draw the line between giving up and scaling to the top.

1. One of the Simple Truths of Life: You are Loved

Christopher Reeves, the actor who played Superman in the 1978 big-budget film, Superman had never thought that he would be left paralysed neck down due to an accident.

His despair and fear grew to an extent that he even started contemplating suicide.

During this time, his close friend and actor, Robin Williams along with his wife would dress up as his doctor and make him laugh with his acts.

Reeves later recalled that his friend helped him to navigate the dreadful experience. He made him feel that everything was going to be okay and his presence comforted him.

How comforting it is to know that there is someone out there sharing a sky with you, who loves you more than you love yourself.

How beautiful, how empowering! Love has been written about since mankind learned to write. Not only because it is beautiful. But because it is powerful.

Love keeps us going when we run out of strength. It keeps us grounded when we are too high in the sky.

It is one of the simple truths that keeps us warm on cold nights and holds our hand when we are scared.

Then, why do we forget that we are loved during the difficult moments in life?

A hug, a touch, a glance or just the knowledge of presence is a powerful force.

Its significance during the difficult moments of life, especially during the difficult moments of life must not be underestimated. This is one of the simple truths to always remember in life.

2. Its Okay to Not Be Okay

We always have a mask of composure in front of the world. We cannot let them see our weaknesses lest our weaknesses are exploited.

Only with the people who accept who we are, can we truly and completely unwind. Only in the presence of people who love us and understand us can we show our vulnerability.

Most importantly, it is okay to be vulnerable, to get tired and fall.

My mother always says the same thing every time I fall or go through difficult moments in life.

She says that one of the simple truths of life is that if I won’t fight, I won’t lose. The fact that I am losing, means I am trying. And trying sometimes means failure too.

It is completely okay to not be okay. It doesn’t mean I am weak or lacking. It simply means I am bold enough to try.

Everyone goes through difficult moments in life. So, when everyone is suffering, why is there shame in not being okay at times?

Failure comes with the feeling of being small, inconsequential. It is our responsibility to despair during the difficult moments in life.

But, it is also our duty to remind ourselves of the simple truths that we are not small or big. We are just humans and we are suffering now.

3. Sharing is Caring

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Written by KrishNick

🌿 #NatureLover 🏆 #SportsPerson 👨 #Instructor

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